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王庆杰, 岳春芳, 李艺珍.基于MAGA-PPC模型的水资源配置方案综合评价水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(3):105-110
Comprehensive evaluation of water resources allocation schemes based on MAGA-PPC model
中文关键词:  水资源配置方案  综合评价  投影寻踪聚类模型(PPC)  多智能体遗传算法(MAGA)
英文关键词:water resources allocation schemes  comprehensive evaluation  projection pursuit clustering (PPC) model  multi-agent genetic algorithm (MAGA)
王庆杰, 岳春芳, 李艺珍 (新疆农业大学 水利与土木工程学院 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052) 
摘要点击次数: 2228
全文下载次数: 801
      According to the characteristics of multi-objective, fuzziness and uncertainty of water resource allocation scheme, projection pursuit method was used to project high dimensional data into two-dimensional space, and combined with the clustering algorithm and multi-agent genetic algorithm,a projection pursuit clustering comprehensive evaluation model (MAGA-PPC) of water resources allocation was established. The validity of the model is verified by the correlation analysis of the index to ensure that the optimal solution is obtained. Meanwhile, the Hanjiang-to-Weihe water transfer project in Shaanxi province was taken as an example, and the evaluation results show that MAGA-PPC can comprehensively and systematically quantify the differences in social, economic, ecological, resources aspects of various programs, and this evaluation result is consistent with the development and utilization of water resources in the study area. Moreover, MAGA-PPC has good practicability in the evaluation of rational allocation of water resources.
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