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石媛媛, 马国军, 王雅云, 姜田亮, 张恒嘉.荒漠绿洲植被生态需水研究现状及发展趋势——以民勤县为例水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(2):34-38
Present situation and development trend of ecological water requirement for vegetation in desert: a case study of Minqin county
中文关键词:  植被生态需水  荒漠绿洲  理论基础  估算方法  研究进展  民勤县
英文关键词:vegetation ecological water demand  desert oasis  theoretical basis  estimation method  research progress  Minqin County
石媛媛, 马国军, 王雅云, 姜田亮, 张恒嘉 (甘肃农业大学 水利水电工程学院 甘肃 兰州 730070) 
摘要点击次数: 2557
全文下载次数: 950
      Based on the present situation of Minqin desert oasis, this paper summarizes the relevant research results at home and abroad, and clarifies the connotation of ecological water demand, which is based on vegetation growth. Starting from the suitability, threshold, circulation and agrometeorology of ecosystem, this paper analyzes the theoretical basis of vegetation ecological water demand, and puts forward the ecological water demand estimation method suitable for Minqin oasis, that is, based on the 3S technology to divide the land type and area, mainly by using diving evaporation method, comprehensively use the direct calculation method, Penman-Monteith formula and other calculation methods. In addition, the difficulties in the study of vegetation ecological water demand are discussed, and the emphasis should be placed on establishing the response function of vegetation growth, rainfall, and groundwater depth, exploring the coupling mechanism of diving and SPAC system, and revealing the mechanism of vegetation ecological water demand.By constructing the index system of suitable vegetation degree and hydrological ecological conditions in Minqin desert oasis, and exploring the mechanism of vegetation ecological water demand, we will ultimately achieve the coordinated and sustainable development of population, resources, environment and economic society.
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