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孟令爽, 唐德善, 史毅超.基于主成分分析法的城市人水和谐度评价水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(1):93-98
Evaluation of urban human-water harmony degree based on principal components analysis
中文关键词:  人水和谐  指标体系  主成分分析法  综合评价
英文关键词:human-water harmony  index system  principal components analysis  comprehensive evaluation
孟令爽, 唐德善, 史毅超 (河海大学 水利水电学院 江苏 南京 210098) 
摘要点击次数: 2578
全文下载次数: 1144
      In order to synthetically evaluate the harmonious degree of human and water in urban areas, an evaluation index system was established from 4 aspects of water resources, ecology, society and economy. The evaluation model of urban human-water harmony degree was constructed by using principal component analysis based on Spass software, and the human-water harmony degree of Beijing in 2011-2016 was evaluated and compared with the projection pursuit method. The results show that human-water harmony degree of Beijng demonstrates an overall upward trend. By principal component analysis, this indicates that Beijing should focus on improving the urban human-water harmony from the social and economic aspects, which is consistent with the actual situation in Beijing. The evaluation model is reasonable and feasible.
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