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侯 珺, 周金龙, 曾妍妍, 马英杰.石河子地区地下水“三氮”空间分布特征及影响因素分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2018,29(1):1-8
Analysis of spatial distribution characteristics and influence factors of Ammonia-N, Nitrate-N and Nitrite-N in groundwater in Shihezi area
中文关键词:  地下水  硝态氮  亚硝态氮  氨氮  空间分布特征  影响因素  石河子地区
英文关键词:groundwater  nitrate-N  nitrite-N  ammonia-N  spatial distribution characteristics  influence factors  Shihezi area
侯 珺1,2, 周金龙1,3, 曾妍妍1,3, 马英杰1,3 (1.新疆农业大学 水利与土木工程学院新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052 2.新疆大学 资源与环境科学学院新疆 乌鲁木齐 830046 3.新疆水文水资源工程技术研究中心新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052) 
摘要点击次数: 2989
全文下载次数: 1382
      地下水是新疆石河子地区居民生活饮用、农业灌溉、工业生产的主要水源,研究该地区地下水中“三氮”空间分布特征及影响因素,对控制和治理当地地下水污染、保障用水安全等具有重要的意义。本研究运用SPSS23、Sufer8及Mapgis67等软件,综合分析了该地区地下水中“三氮”含量的空间变异特征以及其影响因素。结果表明:43组水样“三氮”含量均达到《地下水质量标准(DZ/T 0290-2015)》Ⅲ类标准限值的要求。研究区地下水“三氮”含量空间分布特征显著,其平面分布特征表现为:以石河子市区为中心,“三氮”含量向四周研究区界线逐渐降低,整体上北低南高。在垂直方向上,浅层承压水中NO-3—N含量大于深层承压水的含量,但小于潜水的含量;而深层承压水中NO-2—N和NH+4—N含量大于浅层承压水的含量,但也小于潜水的含量;“三氮”含量极大值的采样点均位于潜水含水层。该地区地下水“三氮”含量主要受氧化还原环境、酸碱环境、潜水埋深、包气带及含水层岩性等自然因素以及土地利用类型、农业污染、生活污染、畜牧养殖及农产品加工污染等人为因素的影响。 
      In Shihezi area, groundwater is the main water resource of residents' drinking and domestic water, agriculture irrigation and industrial manufacture. This study aimed to investigate the spatial distribution characteristics and influence factors of ammonia-N, nitrate-N and nitrite-N in groundwater. The study is of great significance to control and govern groundwater pollution, ensuring access to water security in Shihezi area. Based on software of SPSS23, Sufer8 and Mapgis67, the study analyzed the spatial distribution characteristics and influence factors of ammonia-N, nitrate-N and nitrite-N in groundwater. The results showed that 43 groundwater samples of ammonia-N, nitrate-N and nitrite-N reached Ⅲ class standard limit of Groundwater Quality Standard (DZ/T0290-2015). The spatial distribution characteristics of ammonia-N, nitrate-N and nitrite-N contents in the study area were significant. In horizontal direction of the study area, centered on the Shihezi urban area, contents of ammonia-N, nitrate-N and nitrite-N in groundwater gradually decreased to the boundaries around the study area; the contents of ammonia-N, nitrate-N and nitrite-N in the south were higher than that in the north generally. In vertical direction of the study area, nitrate-N content in shallow confined groundwater was higher than that in deep confined groundwater, but lower than that in unconfined groundwater. Contents of nitrite-N and ammonia-N in deep confined groundwater were higher than that in shallow confined groundwater, but lower than that in unconfined groundwater. The sampling points of maximum content of ammonia-N, nitrate-N and nitrite-N were all located in unconfined groundwater. The contents of ammonia-N, nitrate-N and nitrite-N were affected by natural factors and human factors. The natural factors included oxidation-deoxidization environment, acid-alkali environment, depth of unconfined groundwater, aeration zone and aquifer lithology; human factors included land utilization patterns, agricultural pollution, domestic pollution, animal husbandry pollution and agricultural products processing pollution, etc.
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