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龚艳冰, 戴靓靓, 杨舒馨.云南省农业旱灾社会脆弱性评价研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2017,28(6):239-243
Study on the social vulnerability assessment of agricultural drought in Yunnan Province
中文关键词:  农业干旱  组合权重  社会脆弱性评价; 云南省
英文关键词:agricultural drought  combined weight  social vulnerability evaluation  Yunnan Province
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(71303074); 江苏省社会科学基金项目(14GLC004); 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(2015B23914, 2015B28014); 河海大学常州校区研究生科技创新项目(XZX/ 14B001-07)
龚艳冰1,2, 戴靓靓1, 杨舒馨1 1. 河海大学 企业管理学院 江苏 常州 213022
2. 江苏省“世界水谷”与水生态文明协同创新中心 江苏 南京 211100 
摘要点击次数: 1848
全文下载次数: 743
      There is a trend of drought that the frequency, scope, duration and the degree of loss are more and more serious in Yunnan Province. Firstly, the index system of social vulnerability of agricultural droughts under drought disturbance was established, and the index weights were established by using entropy-CRITIC method. and the social vulnerability of agricultural drought in Yunnan Province in recent 15 years was assessed dynamically. It turned out that in recent years, sensitivity and coping capacity of agricultural social economy in Yunnan province showed a trend of growth and agricultural social vulnerability showed a downward trend. The classification of the social vulnerability of drought disaster shows that the vulnerability of agricultural society in Yunnan province is mainly focused on low sensitivity, low coping ability, high sensibility, low coping ability and high sensibility and high coping ability. Finally, it puts forward the risk management of agricultural drought by improving the farmers' awareness of preventing and fighting against drought, accelerating the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, and exploring the new paradigm of post disaster compensation actively.
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