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徐梦珂, 陈 星, 王好芳, 李海川, 徐德龙.青岛市水生态文明建设评价水资源与水工程学报[J].,2017,28(6):109-114
Evaluation of water eco-civilization construction in Qingdao
中文关键词:  水生态文明建设  评价体系  层次分析法  可变模糊评价模型  青岛市
英文关键词:water eco-civilization construction  evaluation system  analytic hierarchy process  variable fuzzy evaluation model  Qingdao City
徐梦珂1, 陈 星1, 王好芳2, 李海川1, 徐德龙3 1.河海大学 水文水资源学院 江苏 南京 210098 2.山东大学 土建与水利学院 山东 济南 250061 3.江苏省南京工程高等职业学校 江苏 南京 211135 
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全文下载次数: 790
      The connotation of water eco-civilization is interpreted from the natural elements, development and utilization, protection and management, and four criteria layers index evaluation system is put forward (natural water, development and utilization, management system, water ecological concept). By taking this as the starting point, combined with the development characteristics of water conservancy in Qingdao, the evaluation system is constructed with 20 indexes, and the variable fuzzy evaluation model based on AHP is used to evaluate the degree of water eco-civilization construction in Qingdao city during 2011-2015. The evaluation results show that during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, the grade characteristic value of water eco-civilization in Qingdao has been changed from 2.0224 in 2011 to 1.7661 in 2015, which is improved from the lower middle level to the upper middle level. Among them, the rate of change of management system is the largest (0.4256) and the development and utilization system is the smallest (0.0009). In addition, the values of the development and utilization and water ecological concept are 2.1408 and 1.8809, respectively, and the development level is lower, which are the clear further construction directions and key tasks.
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