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南彦斌, 彭永臻, 王凯旋, 赵 庆, 刘 宏, 王 瑾, 陈永志.低温下硝化型曝气生物滤池的快速启动水资源与水工程学报[J].,2017,28(6):69-73
Rapid start-up of nitrification biological aeration filter at low temperature
中文关键词:  硝化型BAF  低温  高氨氮  活性生物填料  快速启动
英文关键词:nitrification BAF  low temperature  high ammonia nitrogen  active biological fillers  rapid start-up
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51668033); 甘肃省高等学校特色专业(101004); 兰州交通大学教改重点项目; 大学生科技创新项目(DXS-KJCX-2016-012)
南彦斌1, 彭永臻2, 王凯旋1, 赵 庆1, 刘 宏1, 王 瑾1, 陈永志1 1.兰州交通大学 环境与市政工程学院 甘肃 兰州 730070 2.北京工业大学城镇污水深度处理与资源化利用技术国家工程实验室 北京 100124 
摘要点击次数: 2203
全文下载次数: 873
      为了提高我国北方地区冬季污水处理设施的生物脱氮效能,本文采用人工配水,探究低温条件下硝化型BAF的快速启动过程。结果表明:在10~16℃条件下,进水NH+4—N和COD浓度分别控制在103.16和60.00 mg/L,采用接种挂膜法与自然挂膜法相结合的方式,运行至25 d时,出水NH+4—N和COD的浓度分别降为36.17和6.66 mg/L,去除率分别高达62.74%和87.30%,NO-3—N浓度达到60.23 mg/L。采用的硝化型BAF具有良好的硝化性能。至硝化型BAF启动成功,填料表面生物膜由浅褐色黏性薄膜变为较厚的黄褐色生物膜。
      The rapid start-up of nitrification biological aeration filter (BAF) at low temperature was explored by using artificial water distribution to improve the efficiency of the biological nitrogen removal of wastewater treatment facilities in winter of northern China. The results showed that the influent concentrations of NH+4—N and COD were 103.16 mg/L and 60 mg/L, respectively, under the condition of 10~16℃, and the inoculation biofilm method combined with natural biofilm method was adopted. The results showed that the effluent concentrations of NH+4—N and COD decreased to 36.17 mg/L and 6.66 mg/L, respectively, and the removal rates were 62.74% and 87.30%, the concentration of NO-3—N reached to 60.23 mg/L when the system ran to the 25th day. The nitrifying performance was well in nitrification BAF. The light brown sticky film became thickened fulvous biofilm on the surface of filler when the nitrification BAF was started up successfully.
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