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张家立, 丁华凯, 高 成, 赵 勇.外河水位顶托下雨水管网排水能力变化的SWMM模拟水资源与水工程学报[J].,2017,28(6):44-49
Simulation of changes of drainage capacity of rainwater pipe network caused by the jacking of outer rivers
中文关键词:  雨水管网  SWMM  排水能力  外河水位顶托  内涝
英文关键词:rainwater pipe network  SWMM  drainage capacity  jacking of outer river  waterlogging
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41301016); 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(2014B16814); 长江水利委员会长江科学院开放研究基金项目(CKWV2015206/KY)
张家立1, 丁华凯2, 高 成1, 赵 勇3 1.河海大学 水文水资源学院 江苏 南京 210098 2.华东勘测设计研究院有限公司 浙江 杭州 311122 3.江苏省水利厅工程管理处 江苏 南京 210029 
摘要点击次数: 2078
全文下载次数: 1036
      Taking the rainwater pipe network system of Heping District in Shenyang as an example, the Chicago rain type is selected as the design rain type, and the SWMM is used to simulate the drainage process of the storm water pipe network system under different heavy rainfall recurrence periods and out-river design flood levels. The results show that with the increase of rainfall recurrence period, the drainage capacity of rainwater pipe network increases, but the degree of waterlogging increases. The effective drainage coefficient of rainwater pipe network system decreases with the increase of rainfall recurrence period and the degree of change slowed down at high recurrence period. There is a significant positive correlation between the total drainage capacity of the network system and the difference between the river water level and the average ground elevation of manholes and the correlation coefficient R is 0.992, and it shows an approximate linear relationship. Pumps are essential in districts where submerged discharge occurs potentially. In this case, the pump enhances the drainage capacity of the pipe network system by 36.3%, while for the free flow area, the pumping station may not contribute to the drainage capacity of the system basically.
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