Based on the ternary quadratic orthogonal rotation experiment, the fast mortar stick method was used to determine the expansion rate and strength of the specimens, and then the regression equation with the expansion rate as the dependent variable Y was obtained. The inhibition of alkali-silicic acid reaction and the interaction between them under three factors were analyzed. The results show that when the fly ash content is at least 16%, all the mortar specimens expansion rate can be reduced to 0.1%,and the minimum mortar specimens expansion rate of 0.045% appears when the fly ash content is 26.8%. When the slag content changes, the change degree of alkali-silicic acid reaction is not obvious, but the expansion rate is less than the specified requirement, and the slag powder content can be controlled at about 20% ~ 30%. Fly ash and slag, fly ash and Al2 (SO4)3, slag and Al2 (SO4)3 have positive effects on ASR expansion rate. The influence rule of alkali - silicic acid reaction and the best factor combination when satisfying the strength requirement are obtained,which can provide reference for engineering application.