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Synthesis of Bi2WO6 nanoparticles under different pH conditions and investigation of their photocatalytic activity under visible light
中文关键词:  纳米Bi2WO6  RhB  花球状  pH值  可见光活性
英文关键词:Bi2WO6 nanoparticles  Rhodamine B  flower sphere  pH value  visible light
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(21477001); 辽宁省教育厅科学研究一般项目(L2015136); 大学生创新创业训练计划,大连民族大学太阳鸟项目
张宇航,邹学军,杨宝灵,董玉瑛,郭宇飞 大连民族大学 环境与资源学院, 辽宁 大连 116600 
摘要点击次数: 1877
全文下载次数: 1459
      以水热法合成了Bi2WO6纳米花状球,并考察了不同pH值的制备条件下对Bi2WO6晶形、形貌、孔径分布、光学性质及催化性能的影响。表征和催化结果表明:在pH值为1的制备条件下,Bi2WO6样品为内部有致密空隙的花球,随着pH值的升高,Bi2WO6的内部孔径变得越来越疏松,当pH值达到7时变为片状;在pH为1、3、5、7条件下合成出的Bi2WO6 的带隙能在 2.14~2.26 eV范围内;光降解RhB 的性能从大到小顺序为pH=7,pH=5, pH=3, pH=1,主要是由于在pH=7制备条件下制备出的Bi2WO6衍射峰最强,粉体的晶型发育完整,结晶度高,对RhB的降解率最高。
      The Bi2WO6 nanospheres were synthesized by hydrothermal method. The influences of different pH conditions on Bi2WO6 crystalline phase, morphology, pore distribution, chemical composition, optical proper and photocatalytic efficiency were researched. Characterization and catalytic results show that when the pH=1, the shapes of Bi2WO6 sample is a sphere with many dense voids inside.Then, with the pH getting higher, the interior of the Bi2WO6 aperture has become looser. When the pH=7, the Bi2WO6 nanospheres becomes flakes. The bandgap energy of Bi2WO6 synthesized at pH 1,3,5, 7 is 2.14~2.26 eV. The sequence of photo degradation of RhB from big to small is pH=7,pH=5,pH=3,pH=1, which is attributed to the strongest diffraction peak of Bi2WO6 under the condition of pH=7, complete crystal form, high crystallinity and RhB degradation rate.
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