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何 鑫, 庞红璐, 周泉吉, 李文娟, 闫鑫宇, 林国庆.厄立特里亚Zara地区Koka金矿开采的地下水资源可持续性分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2017,28(5):87-92
Ground water resources sustainability in Zara Koka glod mine of Eritrea
中文关键词:  地下水资源  MODFLOW模型  含水层  地下水位  水资源可持续性分析  金矿开采  Zara地区
英文关键词:ground water resources  MODFLOW model  aquifer  groundwater level  analysis of sustainabityity  glod mining  Zara area
何 鑫1, 庞红璐2, 周泉吉3, 李文娟2, 闫鑫宇2, 林国庆2 1.上海外经集团控股有限公司 上海 200032 2.中国海洋大学 海洋环境与生态教育部重点实验室 山东 青岛 2661003.上海建工集团工程研究总院 上海 201114 
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      在非洲干旱性气候条件下,水资源的补给量稀缺,做到地下水资源的有效平衡极其重要。在分析Zara科卡金矿水文地质条件的基础上,建立了准三维有限差分地下水流模型,模拟预测了科卡金矿开采期间和封场后,在丰水、枯水和平水3种气候条件下矿山供水对地下水水位降深的影响,并对有、无矿山供水条件下的地下水水位降深进行了对比分析。模拟结果表明:前1~3 a,日供水量约0.97×104 m3/a,在4~7 a,日供水量约在1.01×104 m3/a,矿山供水开采不会引起当地地下水资源枯竭,且矿山关闭后,含水层水位会很快恢复;即使在增加矿山供水和枯水气候同时出现的最不利条件下,井场中心出现最大地下水位降深为1.0~1.2 m,且距离井场中心距离约2 km的边缘区域,地下水位降深仅为0.2 m。模拟结果可为高温干旱地区矿山的供水开采提供科学依据。
      Due to water shortage under arid climate conditions in Africa, the effective balance of groundwater resources is extremely important. Based on the analysis of hydrogeological conditions of Zara Koka gold deposit areas, a quasi-three-dimensional finite difference groundwater flow model was developed to predict the influence of mine water supply on the drawdown of groundwater level under the three climatic conditions of high water flow, low water flow and normal water flow during the mining and closure of Koka gold mine, and a comparative analysis was made on the degradation of groundwater level with and without mine water supply. The results show that the daily water supply is about 0.97×104 m3/a in the first 1 to 3 years, and the daily water supply is about 1.01 × 104 m3/a in 4 ~ 7 years. The mining of the mine water supply will not cause the local groundwater resources to dry up, and after the mine is closed, the aquifer water level will soon recover. Even under the most unfavorable conditions of simultaneous increase of mine water supply and dry river flow, the maximum groundwater level drawdown in the well site is 1 m to 1.2 m, and the groundwater level drawdown is only 0.2 m in the edge area 2 km from the center of the well site. The simulation results can provide scientific basis for the water supply of the mine in arid areas with high temperature.
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