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张阳茁, 杨 杰, 程 琳, 唐友山.基于极限学习机的隧洞岩体蠕变参数反分析方法水资源与水工程学报[J].,2017,28(3):205-210
Back analysis of rock creep parameter based on extreme learning machine
中文关键词:  隧洞  围岩  蠕变参数  极限学习机  反分析  FLAC3D数值模拟
英文关键词:tunnel  rock mass  creep parameter  extreme learning machine  back analysis  FLAC3D
张阳茁1, 杨 杰1,2, 程 琳1,2, 唐友山1 1.西安理工大学 水利水电学院陕西 西安 710048 2.陕西省西北旱区生态水利工程重点实验室陕西 西安 710048 
摘要点击次数: 1989
全文下载次数: 939
      以某水电站坝区左岸导流洞工程为依托,将极限学习机(ELM)应用于隧洞岩体蠕变参数反演计算中。通过正交实验设计,确定导流洞出口段的16组岩体力学参数,选取其中的14组用FLAC3D中的Cvisc 模型进行数值分析,根据各组蠕变参数和与其对应的各测点计算位移,对ELM网络进行训练,输入岩体中关键点实际监测的位移变化过程线,反演出相应的岩体蠕变参数确定二者之间的非线性关系,其余两组用于检验训练结果。将该模型应用于某水电站左岸隧洞岩体蠕变参数反演分析中,计算结果与实测位移值拟合较好,说明该模型简单、实用,具有良好的反演精度,可满足工程设计要求。
      On the left bank of a hydropower station dam project diversion tunnel based on the extreme learning machine (ELM) is applied to the tunnel rock creep parameter inversion calculation. Through the orthogonal experimental design to determine 16 groups of rock mechanics parameters of diversion tunnel exit section, select one of the 14 groups using Cvisc FLAC3D model in numerical analysis, the calculation of creep parameters for each group and the corresponding of the displacement, the training of ELM network, the key point of rock displacement monitoring actual input the process line, the nonlinear relationship between the inversion of rock creep parameters determined two, the remaining two groups to test the training results. The model is applied to a hydropower station on the left bank of tunnel rock creep parameters inversion analysis, calculation results and the measured displacement values fitted well, which shows that the model is simple and practical, has good retrieval accuracy, which can meet the requirement of engineering design.
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