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陈文芳, 杜尚海, 陈 蕾, 袁梦丽.水源热泵影响下地下水温度主控因素关联度分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2017,28(3):158-162
Correlation analysis on the main control factors of groundwater temperature under the influence of groundwater source heat pump
中文关键词:  水源热泵  地下水温度  主控因素  关联度分析
英文关键词:ground source heat pump  groundwater temperature  the main control factors  correlation analysis
陈文芳1, 杜尚海2, 陈 蕾1, 袁梦丽1 1.河南省地质矿产勘查开发局 第一地质环境调查院河南 郑州 4500452.吉林大学 地下水资源与环境教育部重点实验室 吉林 长春 130021 
摘要点击次数: 2188
全文下载次数: 933
      In order to study the variation characteristics of the main control factors of groundwater temperature under the long-term influence of ground source heat pump, Anyang 5th People's hospital was chosen as the study area and the temperature field of groundwater was treated as a grey system. The study uses grey relational calculation method to analyze relation among groundwater temperature, groundwater depth, temperature, precipitation and water temperature of recharge wells, and to gain the main control factor of groundwater temperature. Results show that groundwater depth is the main control factor without the influence of groundwater source heat pump, while temperature, precipitation, groundwater depth and water temperature of recharge well would corporately affect the groundwater temperature under the influence of groundwater source heat pump: the influence of water temperature of recharge wells on the water temperature of the monitoring wells decreases with the increase of the depth vertically, and the main control factor of the groundwater temperature would change from water temperature of recharge well to groundwater depth, while the influence of the water temperature of recharge wells on the water temperature of the monitoring wells decreases with the increase of the distance horizontally, and the main control factor would change from water temperature of recharge well to temperature and groundwater depth.
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