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武亚遵, 杜鹏卓, 林 云, 潘国营.基于分形分维和模糊层次分析的煤层底板突水危险性评价水资源与水工程学报[J].,2017,28(2):156-161
Risk evaluation of water inrush from coal floor based on fractal dimension and fuzzy hierarchy analysis process
中文关键词:  模糊层次分析  分形分维  煤层底板突水  危险性评价  朝川矿一井
英文关键词:fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP)  fractal and fractal dimension  water inrush of coal floor  risk evaluation  NO.1 well of Chaochuan coal mine
武亚遵, 杜鹏卓, 林 云, 潘国营 (河南理工大学 资源环境学院 河南 焦作 454000) 
摘要点击次数: 2908
全文下载次数: 1000
      Water inrush from coal floor is a complex hydrogeological problem, which is controlled by multiple factors. Using the appropriate evaluation method to accurately and comprehensively determination the influence factors of floor water inrush can effectively improve the prediction accuracy. Based on the overview of previous research, in view of the mine complex structures, the fractal dimension value was used to quantify the complexity of fault network, and the water inrush evaluation model of coal seam was then constructed by fuzzy analytic hierarchy process method (FAHP). Taking the NO.1 well of Chaochuan coal mine as an example, the risk comprehensive evaluation of water inrush from coal seam floor was carried out. The evaluation results were combined with the previous mine water inrush information. The results showed that, nine out of sixteen times mine water inrush incidents fell on the most dangerous region, six times were located in the danger zone, one was located in the transition zone, indicating that the generated risk evaluation zoning map of water inrush was relatively accurate, the evaluation result was reliable, and it can be used to guide safety production in the NO.1 well of Chaochuan coal mine.
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