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高小文, 吕 敬, 李秀娟, 高 策, 孙启明.铜矿尾矿库污染物在地下水中运移规律数值模拟水资源与水工程学报[J].,2017,28(2):120-125
Numerical simulation of contaminant transport characteristics in groundwater of copper mine tailings
中文关键词:  尾矿库  污染物  地下水  Visual MODFLOW  污染物运移  数值模拟
英文关键词:tailing-dam  pollutant  groundwater  Visual MODFLOW  polluatant transport  numerical simulation
高小文1,2, 吕 敬1,2, 李秀娟1,2, 高 策1,2, 孙启明1,2 (1.长安大学 环境科学与工程学院, 陕西 西安 710054 2.旱区地下水文与生态效应教育部重点实验室 陕西 西安 710054) 
摘要点击次数: 2532
全文下载次数: 1156
      尾矿库是矿山生产环节的必建场所,对周边生态环境有深远影响。以甘肃南畔铜矿为研究对象,运用Visual MODFLOW建立三维可视化水文地质模型,并通过MT3DMS溶质运移模块对4种特征污染物在无防渗和防渗破损两种非正常工况下进行污染物运移规律模拟和预测,从而验证尾矿库的可靠性,为尾矿库周边环境污染治理提供依据。结果表明:污染物在地下水中沿水流方向运移,随运移距离的增大,污染物浓度逐渐减小;总磷和氨氮运移距离远,对水环境的影响超过总砷和六价铬;相对于尾矿库无防渗,尾矿库采取防渗措施,可以有效降低对地下水污染的风险。
      Tailing pond is a necessary construction for mining production, which has a profound impact on the surrounding ecological environment. This paper takes a copper mine at southern Gansu Province as the research object, using Visual MODFLOW to establish visible three-dimensional hydrogeological model. The MT3DMS module was used to simulate and predict solute transport characteristics of 4 kinds of pollutants under two kinds of working conditions (no impervious layer and damaged impervious layer) so as to verify the reliability of the tailings pond and provide the basis for the surrounding environment pollution control. The results indicated that the pollutants transported along the flow direction in the groundwater, and the pollutant concentration decreased with the increase of the migration distance. Total phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen's migration distance were far, the impact on the water environment was more than that of total arsenic and six valence chromium; compared with no impervious layer, tailings with anti-seepage measures can effectively reduce the risks of groundwater pollution.
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