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刘 阳, 任 青, 喻孟初, 颜 超, 马荣全.盾构隧道施工期间土体沉降计算分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2017,28(1):214-219
Analysis of soil settlement calculation during the construction of shield tunnel
中文关键词:  动三轴试验  循环加载  施工沉降  应变沉降指数  孔压沉降系数  沉降计算
英文关键词:dynamic triaxial test  cyclic loading  construction settlement  strain settlement index  porepressure settlement coefficient  settlement calculation
刘 阳1, 任 青1, 喻孟初1, 颜 超2, 马荣全3 (1.上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院 上海 200093 2.上海市基础工程集团有限公司 上海 2004333.中国建筑第八工程局有限公司 上海 200135) 
摘要点击次数: 1979
全文下载次数: 982
      The indoor dynamic triaxial tests were conducted for remodeling gravelly clay saturated gravelly clay comprehensively considering of the cumulative plastic deformation model and circulation cumulative pore pressure model under the combined action of three factors, i.e., soil confining pressure, cyclic loading amplitude, and loading frequency, based on the tested results, the variations of strain settlement index b and pore pressure settlement coefficient Nβ with the change rule of cycles were discussed. The results showed that, the large changes of the values of b and Nβ mainly occurred in the first 10000 rounds of cycles, and the most significant changes occurred in the previous 1000 rounds of cycles. With the increase of cycling times, the values of b decreased, but the value of Nβ increased. The values of b and Nβ kept stable gradually after one hundred thousand cycles. The settlement calculation results of a tunnel during construction were in good agreement with the measured values. It was suggested that the values of b and Nβ were determined by the number of loading cycles for the soil mass subsidence prediction of the period of construction. The stable values of b and Nβ were used in prediction of tunnel long-term settlement. This research results provided valuable references for predicting subsidence of soil during the tunnel construction.
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