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刘 凯, 张远芳.相对密度和固结应力比对饱和含细砾砂土动强度的影响水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(6):212-216
Influence of relative density and consolidation stress ratio on the dynamic strength of saturated fine gravel sand
中文关键词:  动三轴试验  饱和含细砾砂土  动强度  相对密度  固结应力比
英文关键词:dynamic triaxial test  saturated fine gravel sand  dynamic strength  relative density  consolidation stress ratio
刘 凯, 张远芳 (新疆农业大学 水利与土木工程学院 乌鲁木齐 830052) 
摘要点击次数: 2112
全文下载次数: 987
      A series of dynamic triaxial tests of different relative densities and different consolidation stress ratios for the saturated fine gravel sands were done by using the TAJ - 20 vibration triaxial apparatus, the effects of the two factors on the dynamic strength of saturated fine gravel sands were studied. The results showed that, the effects of relative density on the dynamic strength of saturated with fine gravel sands I were relatively significant. With the increase of relative density, the dynamic strength of saturated fine gravel sand also increased, but the magnitude of the increase was not great. The effects of consolidation stress ratio on the saturated fine gravel sand dynamic strength was very significant. With the increase of the consolidation stress ratio, the dynamic strength of saturated fine gravel sand also increased, and the soil dynamic strength significantly increased when the consolidation stress ratio increased. Under the relative density or consolidation stress ratio, the dynamic strength and vibration time on semi-log coordinate showed a linear relationship.
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