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邵 凌, 李 宁, 李 程, 代 鹏, 陈 瑛.不同支护参数下锚杆锚固效果的等效数值模拟研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(6):207-211
Equivalent numerical simulation study on bolt anchoring effects of different supporting parameters
中文关键词:  锚杆锚固  模型试验  支护参数  锚固效果  等效岩性参数
英文关键词:bolt anchoring  model test  supporting parameters  anchoring effect  equivalent lithological parameters
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(40872179); 上海市自然科学基金项目(16ZR1423300)
邵 凌, 李 宁, 李 程, 代 鹏, 陈 瑛 (上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院 上海 杨浦 200093) 
摘要点击次数: 2251
全文下载次数: 954
      To research the influences of supporting parameters (e.g., bolt length and bolt circular spacing) on surrounding rock`s equivalent lithological parameters in numerical simulation, the model tests tunnel`s excavation and loading with different supporting parameters were conducted for Ningbo General mountain tunnel, the influences of changing bolt length and bolt spacing` on tunnel vault displacement were studied. Through the numerical inversion analysis of model tests, the variation of surrounding rock equivalent lithological parameters (modulus of elasticity, cohesion and angle of internal friction) in numerical simulation, and the method of equivalent numerical simulation of bolt anchoring effects in different supporting parameters were obtained, respectively. The results showed that, in numerical analysis, when the bolt length increased 0.5 m, the anchorage zone rock`s elastic modulus increased by about 3%, the cohesive force increased by about 0.8%, but the angle of internal friction were almost unchanged; when the bolt spacing decreased 0.5 m, the anchorage zone rock`s elastic modulus increased by about 17%, the cohesive force increased by about 4% to 5%, and the angle of internal friction increased by about 3.4%.
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