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唐友山, 杨 杰, 程 琳, 任 杰, 赵志明, 张阳茁.某拱坝下游坝面渗漏成因及其处理方式研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(6):202-206
Research of leakage causes and its treatments at an arch dam downstream
中文关键词:  坝面渗漏  安全监测  低温高水位  裂缝  化学灌浆
英文关键词:dam leakage  safety monitoring  low temperature and high water level  crack  chemical grouting
唐友山1, 杨 杰1,2, 程 琳1, 任 杰1, 赵志明3, 张阳茁1 (1.西安理工大学 水利水电学院 陕西 西安 710048 2.陕西省西北旱区生态水利工程重点实验室陕西 西安 710048 3.国电陕西水电开发有限公司 陕西 西安 710048) 
摘要点击次数: 2143
全文下载次数: 1090
      对某拱坝下游坝面出现渗漏的原因进行分析,以期为大坝防渗处理提供依据。基于大坝安全监测系统的实测数据,分别研究了大坝变形、工程质量缺陷以及低温高水位不利荷载对坝体渗漏的影响。结果表明:低温高水位工况下,坝体水平施工缝张开并贯穿上、下游可能是大坝渗漏的主要原因。建议在冬季低温时期将库水位放至1 688 m高程以下,并采用非水溶性聚氨酯(氰凝)化学灌浆法对贯穿性裂缝和渗水部位的水平施工缝进行处理。研究的成果可为类似工程问题提供一定的参考。
      In order to provide references for dam seepage treatment,this paper analyzes the leakage reasons of an arch dam downstream surface. Based on the measured data of dam safety monitoring system, the effects of dam deformation, quality defects and low temperature and high water level of unfavorable load on dam leakage were studied. The results showed that, the main cause of dam leakage in low temperature and high water level conditions was horizontal construction joint open and throughout the upstream and downstream. We suggested to put the reservoir level below 1688m in elevation during low temperature period of winter and use the hydrophobic polyurethane (Cyanogen Coagulation) chemical grouting method to process the horizontal construction joint which existed along the perfoliate crack and permeable part.The results of the study can provide a reference for similar project problems.
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