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郝晓飞 , 李守义, 李 萌, 程 帅, 黎康平.锚索预应力衰减与失效对结构的稳定影响分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(6):169-173
Influence of prestress attenuation and cable failure on the stability of structure
中文关键词:  预应力锚索  锚索失效  结构稳定性  预应力衰减
英文关键词:prestressed anchor cable  failure of anchor rope  stability of structure  prestress attenuation
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51409207、51309190、51579208);中央财政支持地方高校发展专项(106-5X1205); 陕西省重点学科建设专项(106-00X903)
郝晓飞 , 李守义, 李 萌, 程 帅, 黎康平 (西安理工大学 水利水电学院 陕西 西安 710048) 
摘要点击次数: 2135
全文下载次数: 987
      为了研究预应力锚索的应力衰减和锚索失效对溢洪道右导墙结构稳定性的影响,以某工程中的实际情况为例,采用ANSYS有限元软件对溢洪道右导墙进行模拟计算,验证给定锚索加固方案的可行性,研究在锚索预应力不断衰减时对溢洪道右导墙稳定性和单排锚索失效对溢洪道右导墙稳定性的影响。研究结果表明:给出的锚索加固方案可行;随着锚索预应力的衰减,溢洪道右导墙稳定性不断降低,在锚索预应力由3 000 kN衰减至500 kN时,溢洪道右导墙的稳定性达到极限状态;最高层的锚索失效对溢洪道右导墙稳定性影响最大。
      In order to study influences of force attenuation and cable failure of prestressed anchor on the stability of the right guide wall, taking the actual situation of a project as an example, the ANSYS finite element software was used to simulate the spillway right guide wall and to validate the scheme feasibility of the given anchor reinforcement, also to study impacts of the constant decrease of prestressed anchor cable and the failure of single row anchor on the structure stability of the right guide wall. The results showed that the given anchor cable reinforcement scheme is feasible. The structure stability of the right guide wall continues to decrease with the attenuation of the prestressed anchor cable, the structure stability of the right guide wall reaches ultimate bearing state when the prestressed anchor cable attenuation decreased from 3000kN to 500kN, the top anchor rope failure has the greatest effect on the structure stability of the right guide wall.
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