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祖珊珊, 王治云, 杨 茉.突扩通道内横掠圆管对流换热的数值模拟水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(6):134-140
Numerical simulation of the confined circular cylinder flow and heat transfer in a sudden expansion channel
中文关键词:  突扩通道  圆管  对流换热  数值模拟  通道突扩比
英文关键词:a sudden expansion channel  circular cylinder  convection and heat transfer  numerical simulation  expansion ratio of the channel
祖珊珊, 王治云, 杨 茉 (上海理工大学 能源与动力工程学院 上海 200093) 
摘要点击次数: 3022
全文下载次数: 1272
      A numerical simulation is performed by adopting unsteady mathematical mode for the confined circular cylinder flow and heat transfer in a sudden expansion channel. The simulations were carried out under different Reynolds number Re and the sudden expansion ratio of the channel Er. The results indicated that numerical solutions could be steady state, periodical oscillatory or chaotic with the change of Reynolds number. Meanwhile, the heat transfer around the cylinder was enhanced obviously with the increase of Reynolds number. The heat transfer around the cylinder was weak with the increase of the channel expansion ratio when 10≤Re≤100 or 250 ≤Re≤300, but when 100<Re≤200, heat transfer around the cylinder did not always decrease monotonously.
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