The fractal dimension characteristics of the town river system reflects the distribution density and activities of townriver system, water surface ratio and connectivity of river system, which favorsand provide guidance for the prediction of hydrologic trends, resisting ability of drought and flood, and river system and morphological evolution. In this research, the river system in Taoyuan Town, WujiangDistrict in Suzhou was chosen as the research object. The box-counting method and the sandbox method were used to quantitatively compute the fractal characterization of the town river networks, based on the digital image processing techniques. The results showed that, both the box-counting and the sandbox methodsrevealed the fractal characteristics of the river system and the fractal dimensions well, the fractal dimension values were 1.4085 and 1.7442, respectively. Forthe box-counting method attwelve scales, the relationshipcurves between gridside lengths and number of non-empty boxes wereconvex, revealing that the fractal rules of the river system in the studied site decreased as the scale decreased. For the sandbox method, the centroid of the fractal body and five randompoints were chosen as the control points for fractal dimensionanalysis of the river system and diversities of fractal dimensions among different controlled districts were revealed. The box-counting method was less precise than the sandbox method, because the box-counting method tended to be affected by the minimum scale, the irregularity of the fractal body and the border effects. When conducting the comprehensive assessment of fractal analysisfortown river system, iIt is preferable that the box-counting method can be used for qualitative analysis and the Sandbox method be used for quantitative calculation. The fractal features of river network in Taoyuan Town indicated that the landscapes were plain and the lands are severely segmented by the river network. The fractal dimensions of river system in this region are constrained by contradiction of the river network dispersity, land fragmentation and urbanization development.