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李亦凡, 李订芳.二维非对称copula函数在干旱特性联合概率中的应用水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(5):236-240
Application of two dimensional asymmetric copula function in combined probability of drought characteristics
中文关键词:  非对称copula函数; 相关系数; 干旱特性  联合概率; 干旱历时; 干旱峰值
英文关键词:asymmetric copula function  correlation coefficient  drought characteristics  combined probability  drought duration  drought peak value
李亦凡, 李订芳 (武汉大学 数学与统计学院 湖北 武汉 430072) 
摘要点击次数: 2022
全文下载次数: 984
      With the change of global climate and the influence of human action,the analysis of drought characteristics has become a research hotspot.Because of the asymmetry of 2D variable in practical application, based on the asymmetric copula function proposed by Liebscher, the paper built 2D asymmetric copula function.Taking the daily flood data collected in Yichang hydrological station for example,the paper analyzed the Joint probability distribution of drought duration and peak value by use of 2D asymmetric copula function. It is proved that the law of variation of the correlation coefficient when a two-dimensional asymmetric copula is constructed, which can be used as a reference criterion for the selection of copula function. Bootstrap method of Rosenblatt transform is used to test the fitting degree of copula.Results show that the copula function can describe the probability distribution of drought characteristics.
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