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李秀君, 张永平, 许光孝, 武昭融, 郑春乐.基于灰熵关联法的泡沫沥青二次冷再生混合料粗集料矿料间隙率影响因素分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(5):180-184
Factors of impacting gap rate of coarse aggregate of foamed asphalt secondary cold recycled mixture based on grey correlation entropy method
中文关键词:  泡沫沥青  粗集料矿料间隙率  灰熵分析法
英文关键词:foam asphalt  gap rate of coarse aggregate  grey entropy analysis
基金项目:浙江省交通运输厅科技计划项目( 2013H53)
李秀君1, 张永平2, 许光孝1, 武昭融3, 郑春乐1 (1.上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院上海 2000932.杭州市公路管理局浙江 杭州 3100043.同济大学 浙江学院浙江 嘉兴 314051) 
摘要点击次数: 2238
全文下载次数: 903
      以粗集料矿料间隙率作为评价泡沫沥青再生混合料骨架性能的指标,通过灰熵关联法分析泡沫沥青二次冷再生混合料不同的粗集料粒径组的比例对粗集料矿料间隙率的影响规律。研究表明:各档粗集料对粗集料矿料间隙率的影响程度由大到小依次为:19~26.5、4.75~9.5、16~19、9.5~13.2、13.2~16 mm;在级配设计中,通过合理调整不同粒径的碎石比例,可使泡沫沥青二次冷再生混合料具有优良的骨架性能;当4.75~9.5、9.5~13.2、13.2~16、16~19、19~26.5 mm这5档粗集料的比例分别为32.55%、19.60% 、13.70%、11.15%、15.29%、7.73%时,集料骨架结构最具稳定性;通过分析灰熵关联度值之间的差异,得到构成泡沫沥青二次冷再生混合料骨架结构主要矿料粒径范围和关键筛孔。
      The paper took gap rate of coarse aggregate as an evaluation index of the second foamed asphalt recycled mixture skeleton degree,and analyzed the influence factor of coarse aggregate gap rate by different proportions of foam asphalt cold recycled mixture coarse aggregate size group based on the grey correlation entropy method. Result showed that the influence degree of the coarse aggregate from the large to small is 19-26.5 mm, 4.75 to 9.5 mm and 16 to 19 mm, 9.5 to 13.2 mm and 13.2 to16 mm;in the gradation design,the paper got the excellent performance of the foam asphalt cold recycled mixture skeleton by rationablely adjusting the proportion of different sizes of gravel;when the five coarse aggregate ratios of 4.75 to 9.5 mm, 9.5 to 13.2 mm,13.2 to 16 mm, 16 to 19 mm, and 19 to 26.5 mm are 32.55%, 19.60%, 13.70% and 11.15%, 15.29%, 7.73% respectively.The structure of aggregate is the most stable.By analyzing the difference between grey correlation entropy value,it got the main mineral aggregate particle size range and key mesh of second foam asphalt cold recycled mixture skeleton structure.
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