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程 静, 龚 琼, 杨晓华.基于 STELLA 的水资源供需系统模拟和预警分析——以山东省为例水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(5):75-81
基于 STELLA 的水资源供需系统模拟和预警分析——以山东省为例
Simulation and warning analysis of supply and demand system of water resources based on STELLA: A case study of Shandong Province
中文关键词:  水资源供需系统  生态需水  预警  STELLA模型  山东省
英文关键词:water supply and demand system  ecological water demand  warning  STELLA model  Shandong Province
程 静, 龚 琼, 杨晓华 (北京师范大学 环境学院 水环境模拟国家重点实验室 北京100875) 
摘要点击次数: 2118
全文下载次数: 1082
      科学预测区域水资源供需变化并提出合理的应对方案对区域可持续发展有重要意义,但现有研究多未合理考虑区域的生态需水量。本文以山东省水资源供需系统为研究对象,考虑城市生态建设及河流生态需水,利用系统动力学软件STELLA模拟预测了山东省2015-2030年水资源供需状况的动态变化,利用支撑度构建水资源短缺预警等级,并进行预警分析;基于敏感性分析结果从重视经济、节水、开源、综合协调4个角度提出发展应对方案。结果表明:当前山东省生态缺水严重,至2030年水资源供需差额将达90×108 m3,并有10×108 m3会影响到当地生产生活,全省将处于Ⅲ级缺水状态;重视经济和节水型方案均不利于山东省可持续发展,而综合协调型方案将建立兼顾社会经济与生态环境的水资源利用模式,为缓解水资源供需矛盾、优化水资源配置提供科学依据,对水生态文明建设也具有重要意义。
      The scientific prediction of supply and demand change of water resources is very important for the regional sustainable development,but most of researches can't consider the demand of ecological water. The paper took the supply and demand system of water resources in Shandong as object, considered the ecological construction and the demand of ecological water ,and used STELLA dynamic software to predict the dynamic change of supply-demand situation of water resources, and utilized support degree to build the warning degree of water resources shortage.Based on th sensitive analysis, the paper proposed countermeasure scheme from four aspects such as economic development, water saving, water project and coordinative development. The results show that the shortage of ecological water in Shandong province is severe. In 2030, the difference of water supply and demand will reach 9 billion m? amonge them one billion will affect local production and human activities. The great attention to economy and water saving scheme go against the sustainable development, while coordinative mode can better balance the use mode of water resources of social economy and ecological environment,and provide scientific base for relaxing the contridiction of water resources supply and demand and optimizing the allocation of water resources,and has important significant for the construction of ecological civilization.
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