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李宗梅, 魏锦旺, 满 旺, 黄于同, 孙凤琴.基于D8算法和Dinf算法的水系提取研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(5):42-45
Extraction of river network based on D8 algorithm and Dinf algorithm
中文关键词:  遥感  DEM  平行伪河道  水系提取
英文关键词:remote sensing  digital elevation model  parallel pseudo channel  extraction of river network
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41501448、41501447、41401475); 厦门理工学院高层次人才项目(YKJ13025R); 厦门理工学院科研基金项目(XYK201439)
李宗梅, 魏锦旺, 满 旺, 黄于同, 孙凤琴 (厦门理工学院 计算机与信息工程学院空间信息科学与工程系 福建 厦门 361024) 
摘要点击次数: 2807
全文下载次数: 1681
      目前基于DEM提取水系研究较多,采用的方法不同,但对于对比不同方法的研究较少。以福建省为实验样区,采用SRTM DEM高程数据,对比分析了单流向算法(D8算法)与多流向算法(Dinf算法)提取水系结果。结果表明:Dinf算法提取的水系质量优于D8算法,但其计算过程较D8算法复杂;在平坦区域和大河流区域中,Dinf算法改善了D8算法容易产生的“平行伪河道”问题,生成的河网会比较圆滑、自然。
      The research on extraction of water systen is more at present and the method is different,but the research on different methods is less.The paper took Fujian as an experimental region and used DEM. elevation data to compare the results of water system extracted by single flow direction algorithm (D8 algorithm) and multiple flow direction algorithm (Dinf algorithm).The results show that the quality of river network extracted by Dinf algorithm is better than that of D8 algorithm, but the calculation process of Dinf algorithm is more complicated than that of D8 algorithm. Among the even and large river area, Dinf algorithm improved the problem of parallel pseudo channel which is easy extracted by D8 algorithm.The river channel extracted by Dinf algorithm is more smooth and natural.
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