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喻孟初, 任 青, 马荣全.循环荷载作用下土的动力特性及隧道工后沉降分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(4):220-224
Dynamic characteristics of soil under role of cycle load and settlement analysis after tunnel construction
中文关键词:  砾质黏土  动三轴实验  土体动力特性  循环荷载  隧道沉降
英文关键词:remodeling gravelly clay soil  dynamic triaxial test  dynamic characteristics of soil  cyclic load  tunnel settlement
喻孟初1, 任 青1, 马荣全2 (1.上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院 上海 200093 2.中国建筑第八工程局有限公司 上海 200135) 
摘要点击次数: 5892
全文下载次数: 7943
      The paper selected remodeling gravelly clay soil as test sample,and used the indoor dynamic triaxial testing system to research the modulus regular of soil under cyclic load weakening, and considered the fit of settlement formula after tunnel construction under multiple factors. Experiment showed that accumulated strain and cumulative pore pressure increases with the increase of confining pressure and dynamic stress ratio and reaches a steady after vibrating 10,000 times, while the modulus weakening amplitude shows the opposite rule. If the pore pressure is cumulated at different excitation frequencies,the cumulative strain decreases with the increase of frequency, the weakening amplitude of modulus decreases with the increase of frequency. On the basis of previous research,the paper further considered the effect of excitation frequency on accumulative strain,and fitted the cumulative pore pressure formula to get relative parameter. The result can provide a valuable reference for the prediction of dynamic characteristics of soil frail shield and the settlement of gravel cohesive soil after tunnel construction.
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