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王明阳, 董 壮, 徐 昕.基于延拓盲数-网络分析理论的河流健康评价水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(4):129-134
Assessment of river health based on extended blind number and analytical network process theory
中文关键词:  盲数  三角模糊数  延拓盲数  ANP  河流健康评价
英文关键词:blind number  triangular fuzzy number  extended blind number  ANP  river health assessment
王明阳, 董 壮, 徐 昕 (河海大学 水利水电学院 江苏 南京 210098) 
摘要点击次数: 2516
全文下载次数: 986
      In order to improve the accuracy of river health assessment, this paper introduced the triangular fuzzy number in fuzzy theory into blind number system, and formed the extended blind number theory.Based on the theory,it set up the assessment model of river health and determined the weights of evaluation index by analytic network process theory (ANP). Based on the actual situation of Tongyu River,it carried out the river health assessment, and obtained the scores of each evaluation index and the membership degree of the different evaluation grades so as to determine the river health grade of Tongyu River which was grade three.The problem of river health mainly reflected the low rate of water quality and weak ecological system in the water function area.It is necessary to further strengthen the river restoration and management.
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