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王新宏, 唐永鹏, 张美洋, 雷赐涛, 龚立尧.基于水位/流量反推法的资料匮乏地区临界雨量研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(4):125-128
Research on critical rainfall in data deficient region based on inversion method of water level/flow
中文关键词:  水位/流量反推法  临界雨量  山洪灾害  灾害预警  陈家河小流域
英文关键词:inversion method of water level/flow  critical rainfall  flash flood disaster  flash flood disater warning  Chenjiahe small watershed
王新宏, 唐永鹏, 张美洋, 雷赐涛, 龚立尧 (西安理工大学 陕西省西北旱区生态水利工程重点实验室 陕西 西安 710048) 
摘要点击次数: 4705
全文下载次数: 2702
      在易发山洪灾害而没有实测水文资料的地区,临界雨量的计算显得尤为困难。以宝鸡陇县地区陈家河小流域为研究对象,利用设计的当地暴雨过程,经过产流、汇流分析计算,得到预警对象处的洪水过程。在降雨径流同频率的假定下,并且考虑3个典型土壤含水量Pa=20 mm(干旱)、Pa=50 mm(一般)、Pa=80 mm(湿润),结合陈家河实测的沟道资料,运用水位/流量反推法综合得出流域预警对象的临界雨量和准备转移雨量,为陈家河小流域的灾害预警、人员转移提供技术支撑。
      In the absence of measured hydrological data which happen flash flood disaster, the calculation of critical rainfall is particularly difficult.The paper took the little basin of Chenjiahe river tributary in Long county of Baoji as a case study,used the design local rainstorm process,analyzed runoff and flow concentration and finally got the flood process at the early warning object. Under the assumption of rainfall and runoff at the same frequency, it considered three typical soil moistures of Pa being equal to 20mm (drought) and Pa being equal to 50mm (General) and Pa being equal to 80mm (wet)critical rainfall. According to the measured channel data of Chenjiahe and using the inversion method of water level/flow,the paper got the critical rainfall and ready to transfer rainfall of watershed early warning object so as to provide technical support for the disaster warning and person transfer in Chen Jiahe small watershed.
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