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武连洲, 白 涛, 哈燕萍, 黄 强.水文序列变异对水库调度运行的影响研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(4):88-92
Effect of hydrological sequence variation on operation reservoir
中文关键词:  水库调度规律  变异诊断  Mann-Kendall  优化调度
英文关键词:reservoir operation rule  variation diagnosis  Mann-Kendall  optimal operation
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51409210、51179149、51190093); 水利公益性行业科研专项经费项目(201501058)
武连洲, 白 涛, 哈燕萍, 黄 强 (西安理工大学 西北旱区生态水利工程国家重点实验室培育基地, 陕西 西安 710048) 
摘要点击次数: 2859
全文下载次数: 1109
      Taking Ankang reservoir as the research object,this paper investigated the effects of hydrological sequence variation on the results of reservoir operation. It used 3 methods such as Mann-Kendall rank test method, sequential clustering and the anomalies accumulate method to diagnosis the runoff series in Ankang reservoir from 1950 to 2014 so as to determine the aberrance point and established the model of energy maximization,used Genetic Algorithm optimization to solve the reservoir operation results of two inflow runoff series before the aberrance point (serious 1) and after aberrance point (serious 2). The results show that: the runoff in Ankang reservoir occurred variation in 1984, and then water yield of the variation sequences showed a decreasing trend; compared with the serious 1, the average electricity generation and the overall water level of Ankang reservoir has a decreasing trend in serious 2, but the water level is opposite in peach flood season. The result has great practical value for the design of hydropower station and the operation of reservoir and so on.
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