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白 珊, 赵 莹, 赵然杭, 齐 真, 李 冰, 陈 超.山东省小流域短历时暴雨公式的优化及应用研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(4):50-54
Study on formula optimization and application of short duration rainstorm for small river basin in Shandong
中文关键词:  设计暴雨  短历时暴雨  暴雨公式优化  时段转换公式  小流域  山东省
英文关键词:design storm  short duration rainstorm  formula optimization of rainstorm  period conversion formula  small river basin  Shandong Province
基金项目:国家十二五科技支撑计划项目(2015BAB07B00);山东省山洪灾害防治技术应用研究项目(SZJSYY-YJ201501; SZJSYY-YJ201502);水利部“948”项目(201319)
白 珊1, 赵 莹2, 赵然杭1, 齐 真1, 李 冰2, 陈 超1 (1.山东大学 土建与水利学院山东 济南 250061 2.山东省水利科学研究院山东 济南 250013) 
摘要点击次数: 2210
全文下载次数: 960
      To improve the calculation accuracy of design rainstorm in the process of evaluation of mountain flood disaster,the paper analyzed the variation characteristics of rainstorm-time-frequency with the long sequence data from lots of rainfall stations in Shandong province,devirated the law according to the principle of rainstorm formula in small river basin and put forward the multi-period conversation formula which is the optimization formula for the calculation of design rainstorm. The optimization formula accurately reflects the change rule of small watershed rainstorm and numerical characteristics and has more rationality and practicability.Taking the Licheng district of Jinan for example,the paper conducted the Study on the application of optimization formula.The result shows that the accuracy of optimization formula has improved 17.99% by an average compared to the current formula,which can provide the basis for the accuracy of design storm calculation and the analysis of early warning index.
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