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刘 洁.带横杆多纵梁式矩形渡槽结构内力分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(3):196-199
Analysis of internal force for rectangular aqueduct of multi-longitudinal beams with cross rod
中文关键词:  多纵梁式渡槽  带横杆  实用空间法  结构设计
英文关键词:multi-longitudinal aqueduct  with cross rods  practical space analysis method  structure design
刘 洁 (杨凌职业技术学院 建筑工程分院, 陕西 杨凌 712100) 
摘要点击次数: 2449
全文下载次数: 1142
      Combined the design case of using aqueduct to bridge main canal over Xiangpaigan ditch in Jiaokou district, considering the force displacement coordination of aqueduct body in two orientation, the beam bottom is elastically supported by every longitudinal beam in lateral calculation, the article applied practical space method to calculate the internal force of rectangular aqueduct of multi-longitudinal beams with cross rod,and then analyzed the influences of cross rod and primary beam stiffness on structural internal force. The result reveals that adding cross rod can decrease bottom stringers' bending moment but increase side rib' bending moment.Cross rods make the internal force of horizontal structure more uniform.The cross rod which is often called tie rod is actually subjected to compressing stress;with the increase of stiffness of vertical beams, the vertical deformation of aqueduct decreases,the bending moment of horizontal structure decreases; the uneven distribution of longitudinal beam's force decreases. The outcome can provide reference for the structure design of similar aqueduct.
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