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伊学农, 王瑞英, 段小龙, 周伟博.上流式分段厌氧反应器内流场的三维数值模拟研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(3):101-106
Study on 3D numerical simulation for flow field in up-flow staged sludge bed
中文关键词:  上流式厌氧污泥床  欧拉多相流模型  3D数值模拟
英文关键词:up-flow staged sludge bed  Euler multi-phase model  3D numerical simulation
伊学农, 王瑞英, 段小龙, 周伟博 (上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院 上海 200093) 
摘要点击次数: 2499
全文下载次数: 942
      针对上流式分段厌氧反应器(Up-flow Staged Sludge Bed)内部流场流态的复杂情况,采用多相流欧拉模型通过数值模拟考察了进水方式、挡流板结构形式、进水流速对反应器内三维流场的影响。模拟结果表明:在局部进水和较宽回流缝(50 mm)的结构形式下反应器内呈现较好复合流态;并且进水流速为0.001 m/s时,反应器内污泥床层不仅保持较好的浮动状态,而且污泥床层上部形成了颗粒污泥的悬浮区域,实现反应器内废水与颗粒污泥的充分接触和混合。
      Due to the complex situation of flow field in up-flow staged sludge bed,the paper applied Euler multi-phase model to investigate the effect of factors such as inflow modes, flow baffles structure and water inlet velocity on 3D numerical flow field in USSB reactor through numerical simulation.The result showed that the reactor presents the better complicated flow state under the structure form of partial inflow and wide backflow seam about 50mm;when the inlet velocity is 0.001m/s, the sludge bed layer not only keeps the better floating state, but also forms the suspended region of granular sludge in the upper area of reactor, which can achieve full contact and mixing between wastewater and granular sludge in the reactor.
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