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刘 剑, 李国富, 杨少增.新型波浪能发电装置的运动学分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(2):174-178
Kinematic analysis of new wave energy device
中文关键词:  波浪能发电  漂浮式  运动学仿真  模型函数
英文关键词:wave energy  floating  kinematics simulation  model function
基金项目:浙江省自然科学基金项目(LY12E09001); 宁波市自然科学基金项目(2015A610150); 浙江省新苗人才计划(2015R405072); 宁波市重点学科项目(XKl15D223)
刘 剑1,2, 李国富1, 杨少增1,2 (1.宁波大学 机械工程与力学学院 宁波 315211 2.浙江省零件轧制成形技术研究重点实验室 宁波 315211) 
摘要点击次数: 1829
全文下载次数: 1096
      In order to develop and utilize the wave energy of ocean, the paper designed a floating wave energy device which is capable of collecting new wave power generation system and described the working principle of the device.It used UG software simulation to anzlyze the kinematics for the device,and calculated the transmission performance of device under different speed input functions and adverse sea conditions, verified the effect of transfer process.The results show that the work state of experimental apparatus additional common types of speed function is normal.The device has high practical performance and better adaptability to sea conditions. Simulation results with theoretical calculation are in good agreement.The result has guiding significance for theoretical research of floating wave power device.
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