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纪桂霞, 崔皓翔, 吴玲倩, 蒙勇翔, 王 蒙, 王紫琪.城市雨水径流多填料优化组合快速渗蓄试验研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(2):60-64
Experiment on rapid infiltration and storage of optimization combination of multiple fillers for urban storm runoff
中文关键词:  城市雨水径流  填料吸附  优化组合  渗蓄效能
英文关键词:urban rainwater runoff  adsorption of filler  optimization combination  efficiency of infiltration and storage
纪桂霞, 崔皓翔, 吴玲倩, 蒙勇翔, 王 蒙, 王紫琪 (上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院 上海 200093) 
摘要点击次数: 2191
全文下载次数: 965
      通过雨水径流渗蓄处理系统的填料筛选及多填料分层组合渗蓄处理径流的效能试验,分析了陶粒、稀土瓷砂、沸石、石英砂对城市雨水径流主要污染物COD及重金属Pb、Zn的吸附性能,研究了多填料优化组合快速渗蓄系统对径流污染物的处理效能。结果表明:陶粒、稀土瓷砂、沸石较石英砂具有更好的径流有机物及重金属污染物的吸附、离子交换等性能。将陶粒、稀土瓷砂、沸石组合作为径流渗蓄池的填料, 3种填料各填装一层,每层厚度均为30 cm,则自上而下填料不同的填装组合方式,会导致径流渗蓄处理的效果有明显差异。渗蓄池填料自上而下的最佳分层组合为陶粒-稀土瓷砂-沸石,此时,径流COD、SS的渗蓄去除率分别高达94.82%、97.82%,对Pb、Zn的去除效率分别达到81.05%、75.64%,处理出水的COD约为50mg/L、SS约为25 mg/L、Pb、Zn浓度均约为0.13 mg/L。对城市雨水径流的处理,该多填料优化组合快速渗蓄池较传统石英砂快滤池更高效。
      Through the experiments of screening fillers and the runoff treatment effectiveness of the filler optimization combination multilayer infiltration filter, the paper analyzed the adsorption properties of ceramsite, rare-earth porcelain grit, zeolite and quartz sand to runoff major pollutants COD ,Pb and Zn and studied the processing performance of rapid infiltration filter for runoff pollutants.The results showed that ceramsite, rare-earth porcelain grit, zeolite have better adsorption and ion-exchange properties for organic matter and heavy metal of runoff than quartz sand. So these three kinds of fillers were used in the runoff infiltration filter, and each kind of filler's thickness is 30 cm, with the different combinations of fillers, it would lead the obvious differences treatment effect of the runoff infiltration filter. The optimum hierarchical combination of infiltration and storage fillers from top to bottom is ceramsite, rare-earth porcelain grit and zeolite.The removal rate of COD and SS are up to 94.82%, 97.82% respectively, Pb and Zn are up to 81.05%, 75.64% respectively.The COD of treated water is about 50mg/L, SS is about 25 mg/L, Pb and Zn are all about 0.13 mg/L. For the treatment of urban runoff, the fillers optimization combination multilayer infiltration filter is more efficient than the traditional quartz sand filter.
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