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李润杰, 李 春, 李倩倩, 叶 舟.襟翼长度对翼型水动特性影响水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(1):158-162
Effect of flap length on water dynamic characteristics of airfoil
中文关键词:  翼型  襟翼  襟翼长度  水动特性  潮流能水轮机
英文关键词:airfoil  flap  flap length  hydrodynamic characteristics  tidal current turbine
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(E51176129); 上海市育委员会科研创新(重点)项目(13ZZ120); 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(博导类)项目(201231200110008)
李润杰1, 李 春1,2, 李倩倩1, 叶 舟1,2 (1.上海理工大学 能源与动力工程学院 上海 2000932.上海市动力工程多相流动与传热重点实验室 上海 200093) 
摘要点击次数: 1594
全文下载次数: 703
      Aimed at the problem of hydrodynamic for tidal current turbine,the paper used CFD numerical simulation method and took NACA0018 as reference airfoil to analyzed the change of flow field of original and wing airfoil, and the impact of flap length on dynamic characteristics and surface static pressure coefficient distribution of airfoil.Numerical results show that the flap airfoil stall angle of attack can be delayed, and after reaching the lift coefficient,the original wing stall angle corresponding to the angle of attack increased;the influence of flap on airfoil flap pressure distribution in a small angle of attack is less.When flap length is 0.3c (c the airfoil chord), the change of pressure coefficient is most evident;when the angle of attack approaches the smallest and flap length is 0.2c, the airfoil optimal hydrodynamic characteristics is optimal;after reaching the stall angle of attack,the influence of flap on wing flow field and static pressure coefficient distribution is greater.The distribution of pressure area range of airfoil suction surface is uniform.When the length is 0.2c the hydrodynamic characteristics is optimal.The lift coefficient has greater increase than that of original airfoil,but the resistance coefficient changes little.
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