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王 力, 马天玉, 刘永辉.基于多传感器数据融合的供水管网故障报警系统水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(1):136-140
Fault alarm system of water supply network based on multi sensor data fusion
中文关键词:  多传感器  数据融合  供水管网故障  D-S理论  故障报警系统
英文关键词:multi sensor  data fusion  water supply network failure  D-S theory  fault alarm system
基金项目:国家自然科学基金委员会与中国民用航空局联合资助项目(U1333111); 民航局科技创新引导资金项目(应用技术研发类)(20150227); 中国民航机务维修科研基地
王 力, 马天玉, 刘永辉 (中国民航大学 航空自动化学院 天津 300300) 
摘要点击次数: 2275
全文下载次数: 1756
      In view of the shortcomings of traditional water supply network fault monitoring system such as the number of false positives,poor anti-interference ability,low reliability and so on,the paper used multi sensors to monitor the pressure,current,flow rate and liquid level parameters in the process of water supply of,and used the multi sensor data fusion technology based on D-S evidence theory,and improved the D-S evidence theory by fusion method in time domain and spatial domain so as to achieve the early detection of water supply pipe network.The results show that the method can effectively avoid the errors of monitoring data,and solve the problem of evidence conflict caused by multi sensor robustness,and improve the reliability of fault alarm of water supply pipe network.
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