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田开迪, 沈 冰, 贾 宪.MIKE SHE模型在灞河径流模拟中的应用研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2016,27(1):91-95
MIKE SHE模型在灞河径流模拟中的应用研究
Application of MIKE SHE model in runoff simulation of Bahe river basin
中文关键词:  MIKE SHE模型  径流  年径流模拟  灞河
英文关键词:MIKE SHE model  runoff  simulation of annual runoff  Bahe river
田开迪1, 沈 冰1, 贾 宪2 (1.西安理工大学 西北生态水利工程国家重点实验室培育基地 西安 710048
2.松辽水利委员会 水资源保护局 长春 130021) 
摘要点击次数: 2454
全文下载次数: 1154
      以灞河流域作为研究区域,依据该流域水文气象1990-2010年实测资料,采用MIKE SHE模型对流域径流进行模拟研究,利用ArcGis等技术建立了模型数据库,对模型参数进行了率定和验证,使用多目标(均方根平方误差、模型效率系数和决定系数)对模型适用性进行了评价。结果表明:年径流模拟效果比较好,MIKE SHE模型在灞河流域的适用性较好,研究所率定的参数可为进一步研究灞河流域水资源利用与管理提供依据。
      The paper took Bahe Basin as research area and based on the actual data of the area from 1990 to 2010,and simulated runoff of the basin by MIKE SHE.It built the database of model by ArcGis technology and calibrated and validated the model parameters so as to evaluate the applicapility of the model by multi-object. The results showed that the simulation effect of annual runoff is good.The model has good adaptability in Bahe river basin.The calibrated parameters can provide reference for the further research of water resources utilization and management in the basin.
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