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颜超, 任青, 范仙明, 陈迪, 柯喆.考虑土塞效应端承桩竖向振动特性的研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(6):212-219
Study on vertical vibration feature of end-bearing pile considering soil plugging effect
中文关键词:  端承桩  竖向振动特性  传递矩阵法  土塞效应
英文关键词:end-bearing pile  vertical vibration feature  transfer matrix method  soil plugg effect
颜超1, 任青1, 范仙明2, 陈迪1, 柯喆1 (1.上海理工大学 土木工程系 上海 200093 2.上海建工五建集团有限公司 上海 200063) 
摘要点击次数: 2586
全文下载次数: 1178
      At present, more and more pile caps use pipe pile to support,but the pipe pile will form a soil plug when driving into the soil layer.The effect of soil plug on vertical vibration feature of pipe pile cant be ignored.Through establishing pile vibration model considering soil plugging effect,the paper deduced the impedance function of vertical vibration and verified the rationality of solution.Then it discussed the effect of five factors such as pile material, slenderness, Poisson ratio, damping ratio and pile-soil relative stiffness on single pile impedance.The result shows that the five factors have a great influence on vertical dynamic characteristics of pipe pile, the result can provide some basis for engineering practice.
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