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王秀杰, 王丽娜, 田福昌, 胡冰.GIS及SWMM模型在防洪保护区内涝模拟中的应用水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(6):146-150
Application of GIS and SWMM to rainstorm waterlogging simulation in flood protected zone
中文关键词:  防洪保护区; 暴雨内涝; 地理信息系统; 暴雨水管理模型  积水风险
英文关键词:flood protected zone  rainstorm waterlogging  GIS  SWMM  waterlogging risk
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(51209158); 高等学校学科创新引智计划资助(B14012)
王秀杰1, 王丽娜1, 田福昌2, 胡冰1 (1.天津大学 水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室 天津 300072
2.天津大学 前沿技术研究院有限公司 天津 301700) 
摘要点击次数: 5175
全文下载次数: 5719
      为了研究防洪保护区暴雨内涝积水风险,减少淹没灾害损失,基于GIS技术与SWMM产汇流模型,计算暴雨内涝积水域面积及积水深度值,以此开展积涝风险分析。将该方法应用于茨南淝左片防洪保护区的暴雨内涝计算,利用永幸河闸上、架河闸上、青年闸上2007年实测降水水位验证产汇流模型。结果表明:3个位置计算水位绝对误差分别为0.02、0.10和0.14 m,计算结果较合理,将该模型应用于防洪保护区20年一遇设计暴雨内涝积水风险分析,研究成果对该地区风险管理及决策起着至关重要的作用。
      In order to study the water risk of rainstorm waterlogging in flood protected zone and redue the loss of flood disaster, the paper calculated water area and water depth value of rainstorm waterlogging based on GIS and SWMM model so as to carry out flood risk analysis. The method was applied in the calculation of rainstorm waterlogging in Cinanfeizuopian flood protected zone. The observed precipitation water levels of Yong xing penstock,Jia river penstock and Youth penstock in 2007 were used to verify the runoff model. The results show that the absolute errors of calculated water level in three positions are respectively 0.02,0.1 and 0.14 meters. The calculation result is more reasonable.The model was applied to the risk analysis design of rainstorm waterlogging once every 20 years in flood protected zone.The result can play a vital role in risk management and decision.
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