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曾建军, 李元红, 金彦兆, 胡想全, 王军德.InVEST模型在石羊河流域生态系统水源供给中的应用前景与方法水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(6):83-87
Applicable prospect and method of inVEST model in water supply of ecogical system of Shiyang river basin
中文关键词:  水源供给服务  生态系统  InVEST模型  石羊河流域
英文关键词:water source supply service  ecosystem  InVEST model  Shiyang river basin
曾建军, 李元红, 金彦兆, 胡想全, 王军德 (甘肃省水利科学研究院 甘肃 兰州 730000) 
摘要点击次数: 5052
全文下载次数: 2383
      In view of Shiyang river basin ecosystem problems of water source supply and on the basis of study about inVEST model in home and abroad,the paper built InVEST model based on GIS and SWAT platform. InVEST model is the main method to estimate the water source supply amount. Through estimating the volume of water supply of ecosystem in Shiyang river basin, the paper found out the reason of temporal and spatial change of water supply service in Shiyang river basin.The precisive estimation of water supply of ecosystem has great significance for the service situation of water supply and the sustainable development of the basin,and can provide the basis for plan and management of the basin.
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