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王子轩, 逄勇, 罗缙, 王一舒.淀山湖流域平原河网水环境容量及控制断面水质达标方案研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(6):61-65
Study of water environment capacity and standard program of water quality on control section in plain river network of Dianshan Lake basin
中文关键词:  水环境容量  参数率定  平原河网  断面水质达标方案  淀山湖
英文关键词:water environmental capacity  parameter calibration  plain river network  standard program of section water quality  Dianshan Lake basin
王子轩a, 逄勇a,b, 罗缙a,b, 王一舒a (河海大学 a.环境学院
b.浅水湖泊综合治理与资源开发教育部重点实验室, 江苏 南京 210098) 
摘要点击次数: 2555
全文下载次数: 1281
      根据2013年淀山湖水质监测数据,淀山湖水质总体评价为轻度富营养水平。通过建立淀山湖流域一维平原河网水量水质模型,对各项参数进行率定验证,计算得到2020年COD环境容量为13091 t/a,氨氮环境容量为1 021 t/a,总磷环境容量为196 t/a。结合各水功能区污染物最大允许入河量计算结果以及各入湖河道污染物通量占比结果,设计了相应的断面水质达标方案,建议进一步对面源进行治理以改善总磷指标,为进一步实行淀山湖流域水环境综合整治提供了理论支撑。
      According to the data of water quality monitoring in Dianshan lake in 2013, the water quality in Dianshan Lake was evaluated as mild eutrophication. The paper constructed one-dimensional model of river network water quantity and water quality for Dianshan Lake basin and verified the parameters of the model. The results show that by 2020, the environmental capacity of COD will be 13901 t/a, the environmental capacity of NH3—N be 1021 t/a, the environmental capacity of TP be 196 t/a. By combining the calculation results of the maximum allowed volume of pollutants of the water function zones into the river as well as the pollutant flux ratio into river lake, the paper designed the corresponding compliance program of section water quality and proposed suggestions that is to further treat the nonpoint source so as to improve the total phosphorus index. The result can provide theoretical support for the further implementation of comprehensive improvement of water environment in Dianshan Lake basin.
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