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李 飞.基于GIS的甘孜州公路沿线地质灾害等级划分水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(5):162-166
Grade division of geological disaster along highway of Ganzi prefecture based on GIS
中文关键词:  地质灾害  公路  影响因素  层次分析法  甘孜州
英文关键词:geological hazard  highway  influence factor  analytic hierarchy process  Ganzi prefecture
李 飞 (杨凌职业技术学院 陕西 杨凌 712100) 
摘要点击次数: 1747
全文下载次数: 713
      Aimed at the situation of Ganzi region that the geological hazards cause serious harm in highway and hinders the development of traffic and economy. The paper analyzed the geomorphic conditions change of landslide, debris flow, collapse in Ganzi region.The results showed that the main factors of taking place geological hazards have seven such as slope, gully density, drainage density, vegetation coverage, rainfall, earthquake and rock types.The paper determined the space distribution situation of seven influence factors and calculated the influence index of geological hazards.By use of analytic hierarchy process, it carried out grade zoning for geological hazards of Ganzi prefecture and got the evaluation graph of geological hazards danger.Combining the distribution of the main highway,the paper demonstrated the geological disaster grade of different location of highway network.The result can provide technical support for the plan of highway construction and the highway safety operation.
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