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王 钰, 强怡星, 杨海瑞.基于Visual MODFLOW的某尾矿库地下水污染模拟水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(5):93-99
基于Visual MODFLOW的某尾矿库地下水污染模拟
Numerical simulation of groundwater pollution in a tailing pond based on Visual MODFLOW
中文关键词:  尾矿库  Visual MODFLOW  溶质运移  地下水污染模拟
英文关键词:tailing pond  Visual MODFLOW  solute transportpollution  pollution simulation of groundwater
王 钰, 强怡星, 杨海瑞 (长安大学 环境科学与工程学院 陕西 西安 710054) 
摘要点击次数: 2284
全文下载次数: 940
      以甘肃省合作市某尾矿库库区作为研究区,应用Visual MODFLOW建立了地下水水流模型和溶质运移模型,模拟了4种特征污染物在尾矿库无防渗和尾矿库人工防渗层破损两种非正常工况下的运移情况。数值模拟预测了污染物的影响范围、超标范围和最大运移距离。由预测结果可知:污染物主要沿水流方向运移,对水环境的影响随时间逐渐增大;氨氮和总磷对水环境的影响较大,总砷和六价铬影响较小;两种工况中,尾矿库无防渗对水环境造成的影响更为恶劣。
      Taking a tailing pond in Hezuo of Gansu Province as study area, this paper established a groundwater flow model and a solute transport model by using Visual MODFLOW, and simulated the migration situations of 4 kinds of pollutants under 2 non-normal conditions. One condition is that the tailing pond takes no measures to prevent infiltration, while the other is that the impermeable layer is damaged. The numerical simulation predicts the reach, excessive range and maximum migration distance of the pollutants.The result showed that the contaminants mainly transport along the flow direction, and effect of pollutants on water environment is gradually increasing with time. The impacts of ammonia and total phosphorus on water environment prove to be greater while that of total arsenic and hexavalent chromium is smaller.By comparing the migration features of contaminants under two abnormal conditions, the influence of tailing pond on water environment with absence of impervious layer is worse.
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