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汪 璐, 杨 杰, 任 杰, 马 婧.基于非饱和土理论的土石坝坝坡稳定分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(4):206-210
Analysis of slope stability of earth rock dam based on theory of unsaturated soil
中文关键词:  非饱和土  基质吸力  极限平衡法  安全系数  坝坡稳定分析
英文关键词:unsaturated soil  matric suction  limit equilibrium method  safety factor  slope stability analysis of earth rock dam
汪 璐, 杨 杰, 任 杰, 马 婧 (西安理工大学 水利水电学院 陕西 西安 710048) 
摘要点击次数: 1875
全文下载次数: 1009
      Based on the research of properties of unsaturated soil and its mechanism effect on dam material strength,the paper combined the actual project and relied on geo-studio software to compare the influence of saturated soil and unsaturated soil on seepage and stability of dam body. The result showed that in the case of unsaturated soil, the calculated maximum penetration rate is relatively small, the seepage discharge of dam decreases, the safety factor of slope stability increases,which is more in line with the actual situation of dam.At the same time, in the condition of unsaturated soil,it used limit equilibrium method to compare and analyze the factors affecting slope stability. The impact of friction angle and bulk density on safety factor is larger than that of cohesion;the movement of impervious wall forth and back has a certain impact on downstream slope. The results can provide scientific basis for the optimum design of dam and the operation and management of engineering.
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