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延艳彬, 许 健, 陈 剑, 陆丽娟.基于数量化理论I的双护盾TBM掘进速度预测研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(4):200-205
Research on forecast of driving speed of double-shield TBM based on quantitative theory I
中文关键词:  水利施工  长隧洞  双护盾TBM  掘进速度  数量化理论I  引洮工程
英文关键词:construction of conservancy project  long tunnel  double-shield TBM  driving speed  quantitative theory I  Taohe river water diversion project
延艳彬1, 许 健1, 陈 剑2, 陆丽娟1 (1.甘肃农业大学 工学院 甘肃 兰州 730070 2.甘肃省水利水电勘测设计研究院 甘肃 兰州 730000) 
摘要点击次数: 1714
全文下载次数: 997
      Taking the 9# tunnel of Tao River diversion project phase one in Gansu province for example,the paper introduced the modeling principle and method of quantitative theory.It set up the qualitative data including two explanatory variables of classification of surrounding rock and groundwater conditions, and the quantitative data including four explanatory variables of uniaxial compressive strength, tensile strength, Poisson's ratio and deformation modulus so as to study the influence factors of driving speed of TBM in double shields and verify the reliability of the prediction modelin theory.The results showed that under the same condition of mechanical parameters of surrounding rock,the better the stability of surrounding rock,the more favorable the construction of TBM,otherwise it will hinder the construction schedule and the negative effect of the uniaxial compressive strength enhanced with the increase of groundwater;the tensile strength index and Poisson's ratio of rock has significant positive effect to driving speed of TBM, the uniaxial compressive strength and deformation modulus shows a negative effect.By comparing the measured driving speed with the predicted one,it found that the absolute value of relative error between them is 0.23%~ 5.38%, the average value is 0.39%,which illustrated that the prediction of driving speed for double-shield TBM by the forecast model is reliable.The model can be used to forecast the construction progress and control management of project progress of similar projection.
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