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吴 昊, 陈新星, 周志云, 徐远琛, 罗国友.掺钢渣-矿渣-粉煤灰复合微粉混凝土的高温性能研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(4):187-191
Research on high temperature performance of composite micropowde concrete mixed by steel slag, slag and fly ash
中文关键词:  钢渣  矿渣  粉煤灰  掺量  混凝土  高温性能
英文关键词:steel slag  slag  fly ash  mixture amount  concrete  high temperature property
吴 昊, 陈新星, 周志云, 徐远琛, 罗国友 (上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院 上海 200093) 
摘要点击次数: 2002
全文下载次数: 1081
      In order to better and safer use the industrial waste slag in architecture, the paper studied the high temperature property of composite micropowder concrete with steel slag,powder slag and of fly ash. Taking four different kinds of composite powders as research object,it analyzed the effect of composite powder type and dosage on the high temperature back properties of concrete. The results show that the addition of composite powder to concrete will increase weight loss rate.For the composite powder concrete mainly with steel slag or fly ash, the mixture amount of composite powder has negative relation with the residual compressive strength of concrete and static elastic modulus. For the composite powder concrete mainly with slag,the composite powder content has positive relation first and then negative relation with the residual compressive strength of concrete and static elastic modulus.
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