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杨 玲, 任旭华, 张继勋, 黄修杰, 张道法.基于垂直水力梯度的水封石油洞库补水控制研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(4):159-162
Study on water replenishment control of seal petroleum cavern based on vertical hydraulic gradient
中文关键词:  人工水幕; 垂直水力梯度 ; 补水控制  水封石油洞库
英文关键词:artificial water curtain  vertical hydraulic gradient  water supply control  seal petroleum cavern
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划课题(2012BAK03B04); 河海大学水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室开放基金(2011491211)
杨 玲, 任旭华, 张继勋, 黄修杰, 张道法 (河海大学 水利水电学院 江苏 南京 210009) 
摘要点击次数: 1915
全文下载次数: 1144
      研究了水封石油洞库的补水控制,根据垂直水力梯度的判定准则,给出了洞库安全运行时的最小水幕超压。通过监测洞库周围由于施加人工水幕产生的水压,分别计算出不同地下水位和水幕巷道高度洞库周边的垂直水力梯度,找出洞库安全运行时的最小水幕超压,并研究水幕设计参数对最小水幕超压的影响,将其应用于某地下水封石油洞库工程。计算结果表明:当地下水位至洞库顶部的距离小于70 m时,需根据水幕钻孔的高度、间距设不等超压的水幕,该成果可为洞库安全运行提供重要依据。
      The paper studied the water supplement control of sealed petroleum cavern is.According to the criteria of vertical hydraulic gradient,it gave the minimum overpressure of petroleum cavern when it operates safely.By monitoring the water pressure around caverns due to setting artificial water curtain,it calculated the vertical hydraulic gradient around the caverns under condition of different heights of the water table and different heights of water curtain tunnel so as to find out the minimum water curtain overpressure during the safe run of cavem,and studied the effect of water curtain design parameters on the minimum exceed pressure of the water curtain.The results were applied to some water sealed underground petroleum storage project. The results show that when the distance from groundwater level to top of cavern is less than 70m,it is necessary to design different curtains of overpressure according to the height and space of water curtain tunnels.The results can provide an important basis for the safe operation of petroleum caverns.
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