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郑小燕, 陈良霞, 陶 红, 宋晓锋.改性玉米芯对Pb2+、Cu2+的吸附动力学和热力学的实验研究水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(4):120-125
Experiment on adsorption kinetics and thermodynamics of Pb2+ and Cu2+ by modified corncob
中文关键词:  改性玉米芯  Cu2+  Pb2+  吸附动力学  吸附热力学  玉米芯再生性能
英文关键词:modified corncob  Cu2+  Pb2+  adsorption kinetics  adsorption thermodynamics  corncob regeneration performance
郑小燕1, 陈良霞1, 陶 红2, 宋晓锋2 (1.上海水生环境工程有限公司 上海 200090 2.上海理工大学 环境与建筑学院 上海 200093) 
摘要点击次数: 2184
全文下载次数: 1118
      Cu2+ and Pb2+ in water is adsorbed by corncob modified with tartaric acid from aqueous solution. The result showed that the adsorption process of Cu2+ and Pb2+ can well accord with the pseudo-second-order reaction equation.The higher the temperature,the easier the adsorption of Cu2+ and Pb2+ . The low values of apparent activation energy of modified corncob adsorbing Cu2+ and Pb2+ indicated that the process has the property of physical adsorption. The adsorption law of Cu2+ and Pb2+ can be well fitted with Freundlich model,and ΔG<0,ΔH>0,ΔS>0.The adsorption process is spontaneous, endothermic and entropy increase. The increase of temperature is advantageous to adsorption reaction.The corncob has good performance of regeneration. The result has certain reference value for the removal of wastewater heavy metal ions.
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