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李燕, 马晓婷, 焦 键, 贾尔恒·阿哈提.外源污染对山美水库总氮和总磷的影响分析水资源与水工程学报[J].,2015,26(4):93-98
Influence of exogenous pollution on total nitrogen and total phosphorus in Shanmei reservoir
中文关键词:  外源污染  水环境模型  总氮  总磷  山美水库
英文关键词:exogenous pollution  model of water environment  total nitrogen  total phosphorus  Shanmei Reservoir
李燕1,2, 马晓婷1,2, 焦 键1,2, 贾尔恒·阿哈提1,2 (1 新疆环境保护科学研究院 新疆 乌鲁木齐 8300112.新疆环境污染监控与风险预警重点实验室 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011) 
摘要点击次数: 1839
全文下载次数: 1034
      基于有限体积法建立了山美水库二维水量-水质耦合模型,就2010年8-10月份流域外源污染负荷对山美水库总氮与总磷的影响机理进行分析。结果表明:外源污染负荷总氮和总磷进入水库后不断迁移扩散至整个水库约经历20 d,水质整体上从Ⅲ类水降为Ⅳ~劣Ⅴ类;水库Ⅰ区总氮与总磷浓度分别增加0.16~1.32和0.12~0.34 mg/L,Ⅱ区受外源影响较小,总氮与总磷浓度增加0.05和0.075 mg/L;自入库区至出库区不同区域总氮与总磷浓度变幅较大且依次递减,并在时间上呈现一定的滞后性。研究表明:在较短时间内山美水库水质恶化主要由外源污染所致。最后结合流域内水环境现状,提出改善山美水库水环境质量的工程措施。
      The paper established 2D coupling model of water quality and water quantity based on the finite volume method,and analyzed the influence mechanism of exogenous pollution on total nitrogen and total phosphorus of Shanmei Reservoir from August to October 2010.The results showed that it cost 20 days for the exogenous pollution to spread from outside of the reservoir to the whole reservoir by transportation and diffusion, and the water quality of reservoir also dropped from Ⅲ class to Ⅳ class, even inferior Ⅴ class correspondently;the total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentration of areaⅠincreased by 0.16-1.32mg/L and 0.12-0.34mg/L,while areaⅡhad little influence of exogenous pollution,that of areaⅡjust increased by 0.05mg/L and 0.075mg/L;the total nitrogen and total phosphorus in different areas from reservoir entrance to reservoir exit changed greater and showed a decreasing trend and presented certain lag in time.The results indicated that the water deterioration of reservoir is mainly caused by exogenous pollution in a short time.Last, the paper put forward corresponding engineering measures to improve the water environment of reservoir basin in accordance with combining the situation of water environment in Shanmei reservoir basin.
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